You can now filter by Hiring Manager under the User filter in Analytics:
With this filter, you'll be able to see performance of specific hiring manager across all your interview, offers, and hires data in the Widget library. (Please note this filter doesn't apply to SourceWhale widgets.)
On the Conversion Rates tab, we've also added two more widgets to understand your conversion rates from applications and interviews to offers over time:
Offer Conversion Rate From Interviews
Conversion rate is the percentage of candidates where an offer was made of those that had at least one interview scheduled, and is aggregated to the time period based on the offer creation date, not including active candidates. Use this chart to identify if the trend is improving over time after making adjustments to your process.
Application Conversion Rate over time
The bars represent the percentage of candidates where an offer was made to those that have applied, and is aggregated to the time period based on the offer creation date, not including active candidates. The moving average is the sum of the monthly conversion rates for the last 6 months, divided by 6 (current month plus preceding 5 months.) Use this chart to identify if the quality of application trend is improving over time after making adjustments to your process.
Finally, we've added a couple of new widgets to the Hires page:
Time to Fill by Dept.
Time to Fill by Department is the average number of days between the date a job was opened (or job opening was opened, if your account is configured to use job openings) and the date a candidate accepted an offer for it. If you’ve selected a specific date range, the candidates represented here are those whose offer acceptance date falls in this range.
Average Time to Hire (rolling 6 quarters)
Time to Hire is the average number of days between the date a candidate’s application was created and the offer acceptance date. Each quarter's average time to hire number is based on candidates whose offer acceptance date is within the preceding 6 quarters.