Many of our widgets in Analytics show you how your hiring metrics are trending over time. Whether it's the Average Time to Hire over a rolling six month period, or the Average Offer Acceptance Rate per Month, these widgets help you see your historical performance and get into a predictive state of hitting your hiring goals and making adjustments as necessary.
To this end, we are updating these widgets from a bar chart to a bar and line chart, where the bars will represent a metric for a specified time period such as a week, month, or quarter. The red line will be the simple moving average of this time series. The bars will also all be the same blue color instead of the different colored bars for a cleaner, uniform look.
Charts relating to trends over time will change from looking like this:
to looking like this:
We'll be rolling out these changes to a few widgets at a time. As always, you can click on the "i" to see the tool tip on each widget to get more clarification on how the metric is calculated.