For Greenhouse customers
We've added a few new widgets, including Hires and Offers by "Credited to" field in Greenhouse.
In the Hires widget library, we've added the following:
Hires by Office (First Level Only): Hires by Office is the total number of candidates that were marked as hired where the offer acceptance falls within the selected date range, broken down by office.
Hires by Candidate's Credited to:The number of candidates that the user is marked as the credited to, who received an offer.
Time to Fill by First and Second Level Departments
Time to Fill is the average number of days between the date a job was opened (or job opening was opened, if your account is configured to use job openings) and the date a candidate accepted an offer for it, broken down by the corresponding department level. If you’ve selected a specific date range, the candidates represented here are those whose offer acceptance date falls in this range.
In the Offers widget library, we've added:
Offers by Candidate's Credited to: The number of candidates that the user is marked as the credited to, who received an offer.
In the Other widgets library, we've added:
Open Jobs by Department (First Level only):Number of open jobs per first-level department. This figure may include jobs that you cannot see on the wall because of your permissions. Note: date filter does not apply.